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What is the meaning of pure love

Meaning of pure love by Sheikh ibn Taymiyyah RahimUllah

The correct meaning of pure love is explained by Al Alamah Sheikh ibn Taymiyyah RahimUllah 

 He said: Any type of love in any relationship, especially for marriage, in a marital relationship, if the love is not for (the sake of Allāh) then it's falsehood. It is falsehood. The habit of a person is not love. Instant physical attraction or infatuation is not love. Love at first sight is not true love. True love is only for the sake of Allāh and it takes time to build, years to build. If you don't hate a person for his shirk, innovations, major sins, major transgressions, and involvement in witchcraft, then you don't really love Allāh, this is not eemān. If the heart loves Allāh alone and is sincerely devoted to Him, it will not even think of loving anyone who rebels against the laws of Allāh. This is only because of lack of love for Allāh and lack of eemän. Thus, Prophet Yoosuf عليه السلام loved Allah and was sincerely devoted to Him, and he did not fall into the trap of worldly love of falsehood.

Imaam Ahmad was asked: 
"What does it mean to love for the sake of ALLĀH ﷻ He replied: "It is when you do not love someone for any worldly gains."

📖 Tabagāt Al-Hanābaliah 57/11 #copied

#Love #Allah #TrueLove

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