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Islamic reminder | our giant of scholars are passing away

Our giant of scholars are passing away

Islamic reminder

You people have no clue if dajjal came out tommorow kicking a ball & making Sujud Ash Shukar(prostration of thankfulness) then many of you would follow him

{Sidenote:- Our giant of scholars are passing away even some of us including me don't even know their names Subhan Allah hi wabi hamdihi. Only Allah ﷻ knows when our death will overtake us & when day of judgement will begin upon us is to make dua and to obey the command of Allah ﷻ and his RASOOL ﷺ wallahi ikhwat wa ikhwan we'll not get any pleasure nor sucess if we disobeying Allah ﷻ and his Rasool ﷺ .
There are some Ulamah & taalib ul ilm who are giving their day & night to study the religion of Allah ﷻ they act upon it and teach it to others & there are some people who don't even know about the seerah of Rasool ﷺ. 
Sahaba use to act more & speak less but today people like us speak more and act less may ALLĀH ﷻ guide us AAMEEN AAMEEN AAMEEN.}

#FirstReminderForMyself #IslamicReminder

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