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Whoever fears Allah in private | Sheikh Turayfi

Whoever fears Allah in private | Sheikh Turayfi

Whoever fears Allah in private does not disobey Him in public, and whoever has the audacity to disobey Him in public has even more audacity to do so in private.

من اتقى الله في الخفاء لا يعصيه في العلانية، ومن تجرأ على عصيانه في العلن فهو في السر أجرأ

Sh. Turayfi ‎(فك الله أسره)

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi (‏رحمه الله) writes:

“Every time you get a heartfelt feeling to repent, the troops of your desires attack and overcome your intentions. Slaughter the throat of desire with the knife of firm resolve, because so long as desire remains alive, you are never safe from the relapse of an ever-changing heart (from good to evil). Let the tears you shed in the darkness of the night be your intercessors for when you make mistakes.” 

[Kitaab Al-Lataa’if Fil-Waa’iz]

#Repentance #Tawba #IslsmicReminders

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