If you feel envy, jealousy towards someone
Bounties of Allah (عزّ وجلّ)If you feel envy, jealousy towards someone, recall this amazing Hadith and let your heart be at peace.
Abū Dharr al-Ghifarī (رضي الله عنه) Narrated:
‘[The Prophet (ﷺ) conveyed that Allah says:]
“O My servants, even if the first amongst you and the last amongst you and all humankind and all of the Jinn were to stand on one plain and beseech Me and I were to confer upon each what he asked, it would not, in any way, cause diminish Me (My Treasures), just like the ocean is not diminished by the dipping of a needle in it.”'
[Sahīh Mūslīm]
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