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An Early Paradise: A Heart Attached to Allah

An Early Paradise: A Heart Attached to Allah

A life in which your heart is attached to Allah (ʿazza wa jall) is truly special. A saint of Allah said, “There are times when I say: if the people of Paradise have anything like this, then how blissful must their lives be!”

Another stated, “There are times when the heart bursts in joy (out of the love for Allah).”

After quoting the above, Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh) writes, “Glorified is the One who lets His slaves witness His Paradise well before they meet Him, who opens its doors to them in this world of deeds; and who gives them some of its joy, its breeze and its perfume, so that they may seek it and hasten towards it with all their strength.”

“Truly in the heart there is a certain loneliness that cannot be removed except by spending time with Him in solitude. 
In it there is a sadness that cannot be removed except through the happiness of knowing Him and being true to Him … In it there is a void that cannot be filled except through loving Him, turning to Him constantly, always remembering Him, and being sincere to Him. Were a person to be given the entire world and everything in it, it would never fill this void.” 

– Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh)

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