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The Key to Barakah is to Understand the Qur'an

The Key to Barakah: Understanding the Qur'an

"If I wanted to have barakah in my understanding and my perception of the world around me, and just feeling better, it is through understanding of the Qur'an"

The Key to Barakah: Understanding the Qur'an

🌟“Verily, this Qur'an guides to that which is most just and upright, and gives good news to those who believe, and do righteous deeds, that they will have a great reward (Paradise)." (Al-Isra, 9)

🌟Through understanding the Qur'an, the more we spend time nurturing our relationship with the book of Allah, the more it unlocks itself as a source of barakah in our lives, by: 

📌Reminding us of our WHY & Reinforces our notion of success - our true purpose and destination in life, and not to be easily distracted with the short-term delights of the dunya. 

📌Keeping your eyes on the prize, the Hereafter: None of the challenges that we face are meaningless. All our efforts will be repaid in full, from the Most Generous, Most Loving. 

📌Painting a vivid picture of the horrors of hellfire and the day of judgment, it creates a palpable sense of dread, which should push us to action to avoid the actions that may potentially lead to it.

📌Strengthening the certainty of the unseen & ingrain in us the consequences of our actions. We may not necessarily be able to physically experience those consequences in this life - we may not "feel" the effects of sins, we may not taste, hear or smell the effects of our righteous deeds. So, the more we absorb ourselves in the Qur’an, the more real it becomes to us

📌 Inspiring Patience: through reminding us that the people before us who were more righteous and beloved to Allah than we are; they were tested far more severely, they endured, and Allah saved them and provided for them from ways that they could never have imagined. A great ending always awaits the people of patience, and the people of Taqwa.

📌 Reminding us on the qualities that we should develop, and the characteristics of the people that Allah loves. And the opposite: the characteristics of those whom Allah hates, and a warning to us if we have those tendencies!

#Quran #Strive_To_understandQuran

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