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What is the ruling on worshiping in the month of Rajab and the night of Israa' wal Mai'raaj

What is the ruling on worshiping in the month of Rajab and the night of Israa' wal Mai'raaj

Some people prepare special food and sweets in the month of Rajab and recite some verses and prayers on them. They then, invite friends, neighbors and relatives to eat this, and even distribute it among them, thinking there’s some special rewards for doing so. 

This is ALSO an INNOVATION in the Deen based on a fabricated story and is something that’s NOT PROVEN from the Sunnah of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam or his Sahaabah. 

Remember the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:
“EVERY innovation is going astray”

🔺 Misconception #7: Visiting graves

Many people visit graves specifically in Rajab, under the impression that it’s good to do so in this month. 

There’s no Aayah of the Qur’aan nor is there any authentic hadeeth of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam that proves that to be correct. 

🔺 More misconceptions:

There are other misconceptions associated with this month, such as wearing special rings of silver to bring them ‘luck’ and other superstitions. 
However NONE of these are TRUE. 

🍃 Shaikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: 

“There is NO SAHEEH HADEETH that speaks of the virtues of Rajab. 
The month of Rajab is NO DIFFERENT from the month of Jumaada al-Aakhirah that comes before it, except that it is one of the sacred months only. 
Otherwise there is no fast that is prescribed in this month, and no prayer or ‘umrah or anything else that is prescribed. 
[Liqa’ al-Baab al-Maftooh (174/26)]

❓What about al-Israa' wal Mai'raaj❓

Yes for sure, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala caused the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi Wa Sallam to travel from Masjid al-Haraam to Masjid al-Aqsa and then to the Heavens on the night of al-Israa' wal Mi'raaj. 

That is definitely true and a part of our Imaan. 

However, there’s NO PROOF that the Prophet sal Allah alayhi wa sallam EVER specifically worshipped Allaah on the night of al-Israa' wal Mi'raaj, or fasted the next day. 
He did NOT PRACTICE that. 
And he did NOT TEACH that. 

There are NO SPECIAL PRAYERS on the night of the 27th and NO FASTING on that day. 

Surely the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaihi Wa sallam) did not omit or forget anything in the deen. 
Surely he did not hide anything from mankind.

🍃The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaihi Wa sallam) said:

"There is nothing that brings you closer to Jannah except that I have informed you about it and there is nothing that brings you closer to the fire of Hell except that I have warned you against it."

🍃 Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim said:  

“Every hadeeth which mentions fasting in Rajab and praying during some of its nights is FALSE and FABRICATED.” (al-Manaar al-Muneef, p. 96)

🔺Exact date unknown❗️

Besides, it’s not even sure about the exact date or even the exact month in which al-Israa' wal Mai'raaj took place. 

There’s NO authentic PROOF to DEFINITELY say that this took place on the 27th of Rajab. 

🍃 Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz said:

"With regard to this night on which the Isra' and Mi'raaj took place, there is NOTHING in the saheeh ahaadeeth to indicate that it is in Rajab or in any other month. 
Everything that has been narrated concerning a specific date for these events CAN NOT BE PROVEN to have come from the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaihi Wa sallam) according to the scholars of hadeeth...."

🍃 Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen says: 

"Fasting on the twenty-seventh of Rajab and spending that night in prayer is a bid'ah (innovation), and every bid'ah is a going astray." (Majmoo' Fataawa , 20/440)

🔺Then why is Rajab considered a ‘sacred’ month❓

Yes it’s true that Rajab is one of the four ‘sacred’months. 

🍃 The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

“The year is twelve months, of which four are sacred: three consecutive months, Dhu’l-Qa’dah, Dhu’l-Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab Mudar which comes between Jumaada and Sha’baan.” 
(al-Bukhaari, Muslim)

However, being called ‘sacred’ does NOT mean that there are any special acts of ibaadah to be done that month. 

Rather, being ‘sacred’ means:
#Rajab #QA #Bddah

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