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Story of PROPHET: ABRAHAM - IBRAHIM (عليه السلام) Part 1 Chapter 6

Story of PROPHET: ABRAHAM - IBRAHIM (عليه السلام) Part 1 Chapter 6

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الإمام ابن كثير ‎ - قصص الأنبياء


PART: 1 (Chapter – 6)


He is Abraham bin Terah (250) bin Nahor (148) bin Serug (230) bin Reu (239) bin Peleg (439) bin Eber (464) bin Shelah (433) bin Arphaxad (438) bin Shem (600) bin Noah عليه السلام
This is how it came in the text of Ahlul-Kitaab (People of the Book) in their Book. The age of every one of them after their names have been mentioned. (Bible, Genesis 11)


Ibn Asakir has narrated from Ikrimah saying: Abraham was nicknamed as ‘Abu Difan’.

It is said: When his father Terah was 75 years old, Abraham and his brothers Nahor and Haran were born to him. Haran had a son called Lot, [who later became a Prophet].

It is also said that Abraham was the second son of his father and Haran died during the life of his father in the land where he was born in; the land of Chaldeans (Babylonia).

This is the most famous and credible opinion among the historians. Ibn Asakir has authenticated this opinion and said that he was born in Babylon.

Historians have mentioned that Abraham married Sarah. However, she was barren and had no child.

Terah took his son Abraham, his daughter-in-law Sarah, his grandson Lot – the son of Haran and set off from the land of Chaldeans towards the land of Canaan. However, when they stopped at Haran, Terah died there at the age of 250. This shows that he was not born in Haran. His birthplace was Chaldea: the land of Babylonia.


Then they set off for Canaan, the land of Baitul-Maqdis. They lived for a while in Haran, the land of Chaldeans at that time and then lived in the lands of Arabian Peninsula and Syria. In Syria, people worshiped the seven stars. Those who lived in Damascus were followers of this religion.

 They would turn their faces towards the North Pole and worship the seven stars with peculiar rituals involving verbal utterance and physical activities. This is why we find on each of the seven ancient gates of Damascus an altar for each of those stars. They celebrated them and offered their sacrifices to them.

So the people of Haran also worshiped stars and idols. And so there were no believers except Abraham, his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot.

اَللّٰهُ أَعْلَم
To be Continued…

ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ

#Prophet  #IBRAHIM #Story

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