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This summary of the Tenth Juz' commences from Surah Al-Anfal Ayah 41 to Surah At-Tawba Ayah 93.

Beginning of Tenth Juz'

🔶The Tenth Juz' starts with mention of booty and how it should be divided. [8:41]

🔶Allah ﷻ then discusses certain details about the Battle of Badr. Allah ﷻ addresses the Mu’minoon saying, "Obey Allah and His Nabi and do not fall into dispute with each other, for then you will become cowardly and your strength will be lost. Be patient, for verily Allah is with the patient ones." [8:46]

🔶Allah ﷻ commands the Muslims further: "Prepare against them (your enemies) whatever forces of strength you can muster..."[8:60]. 

🔶In addition to amassing weapons and battle provisions, Muslims must always have conviction in Allah’s assistance. Allah ﷻ then assures the Muslims: "Whatever you may spend in Allah’s way will be given to you in full and you will not be oppressed." [8:60]

🔶Allah ﷻ informs the Muslims that if they are righteous, resolute and trust firmly in Allah, they will be able to vanquish an army larger than themselves.

🔶Prisoners of war should not be captured merely with the intention of earning ransom money.

🔶Towards the end of the Surah, Muslims are urged to keep religious objectives in mind when migrating or when waging Jihad.
Earning the booty must never be the objective.

🔶Allah ﷻ outlines a principle of inheritance at the end of Surah Anfal when He ﷻ says, ‑ Those who are relatives are closer to each other in Allah’s Book. [8:75]

🔶The next Surah is called Surah Tawba because it contains mention of the Tawba that Allah ﷻ accepted from those who failed to participate in the Battle of Tabuk.

🔶It is also called Surah Barâ'ah because Allāh absolves Himself and Prophet ﷺ from what the Kuffar do. [9:1-3]

The Arabic word "Barâ'ah" means "to absolve of blame"

🔶This Surah mentions the Treaty of Hudaybiyya which the Mushrikeen of Makkah eventually broke.

🔶After this declaration, all Mushrikeen were banned from entering the Haram and from performing Tawaf naked.

🔶The Muslims are urged not to take even their closest relatives as Awliya (close friends and confidantes) if they are Kuffar. 

🔶Allah ﷻ also advises Prophet ﷺ not to accept the lame excuses of the Munafiqun (hypocrites) when they are reluctant to fight in Jihad. Their excuses are all false and the oaths that they take along with the excuses are all false.

🔶Allah ﷻ assures Prophet ﷺ that the oaths of the sinners and Munafiqun are hollow and should be ignored because these people were never Muslims. Allah ﷻ warns Prophet ﷺ that the Munafiqun will desert him as soon as they get the opportunity.

🔶Allah’s curse is on the Munafiqun men and women because they are alike.

🔶Allah ﷻ also forbade Prophet ﷺ from performing the Janaza [funeral] Salah for the Munafiqun.

This Surah also details the Recipients of Zakah as:

🔹1. The poor
🔹2. Slaves who are buying their freedom
🔹3. The destitute
🔹4. Those in debt
🔹5. The collectors of Zakah
🔹6. Those in "Allah’s path"
🔹7. Those who need to be inclined to Islam and
🔹8. Stranded Travelers

In brief, Surah Tawba contains the following subject matter:

🔸1. Certain battles and related incidents.

🔸2. The treaties with the Mushrikeen and the declaration of exoneration from all Kuffar and Mushrikeen.

🔸3. Prohibition of fighting during the days of Hajj.

🔸4. Restriction of entry into the Haram for non‑Muslims.

🔸5. The command for the Ahlul Kitab to either accept Islam or pay the jizya.

🔸6. Reproaching those who were negligent in participating in Jihad.

🔸7. Specifying the recipients of Zakah.

🔸8. Identifying the Munafiqun and the Mu’minoon.

End of the Tenth Juz'

#Quran #Summary #Juz_10

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