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This summary of the eleventh Juz covers Surah At Tawba ayah 94 to Surah Hud ayah 5.
Beginning of the Eleventh Juz

🔰The ending of the tenth Juz dealt with those Munafiqun who concocted excuses to evade conscription into the Muslim army. There were also many proud Munafiqun who saw no need to excuse themselves.

🔰The opening verse of the Juz 11 (verse 94 of Surah Tawba) refers to those *Munafiqun who came to Prophet ﷺ after the Battle of Tabuk.*

Addressing Prophet ﷺ Allah ﷻ says, _"They will make excuses to you when you return to them. Tell them, 'Do not make excuses, we shall never believe you. Allah has already informed us about your condition..."_

🔰Allah ﷻ speaks about people who regard Zakah *as a burden on their shoulders*. Allah ﷻ says, _"And among the bedouins are some who consider what they spend as a loss and await for you turns of misfortune. Upon them will be a misfortune of evil. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing._

🔰After discussing the Munafiqun, Allah ﷻ speaks about the Mu’minoon in verse 100 when He ﷻ says, _"The first to lead the way, from the Muhajireen, the Ansar, and those who followed them with sincerity; *Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him.* He has prepared for them such gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide forever. This is the ultimate success."_

🔰Thereafter, Allah ﷻ speaks about the *Masjid of harm (Masjid Dirâr)*, the purpose of which the Munafiqun built *to promote hypocrisy among the Muslims.* Allah ﷻ condemned its construction and the Muslims destroyed it.

🔰The subsequent verses refer to the three Sahabah *who failed to participate in the expedition to Tabuk.* They were boycotted for fifty days before Allah ﷻ announced the *acceptance of their Tawba* in this Surah.

🔰Surah Yunus follows Surah Tawba. 
Surah Yunus discusses the *three fundamental issues* of:
🔸 *Tawhid [Oneness of Allah],*
🔸 *Risalah [the Prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ]*
🔸 *Akhirah [the Hereafter]*

Attention is drawn to these beliefs by using occurrences and quoting momentous historical reports which serve to entrench these beliefs into the mind.

🔰Therefore, Allah ﷻ commences the Surah by stating, _"These are the verses of the wise Book. Are people surprised that We sent revelation to a man from among them?"_

🔰Those who respond to the message of Prophet ﷺ will be guided to salvation, whereas those who reject will be doomed to destruction and will not be saved by anyone's intercession.

🔰Allah ﷻ then proceeds to *warn people of the Hellfire* and convey the *glad tidings of Jannah* to the Mu’minoon.

🔰In verse 12 Allah ﷻ speaks about ungrateful people when He ﷻ says, _"When any adversity afflicts man, he supplicates to Us lying down, sitting or standing. When We avert the adversity from him, he continues as if he has never supplicated to Us for the adversity that afflicted him."_

🔰Allah ﷻ then relates the incidents of various Prophets like Nooh عليه السلام, Moosa عليه السلام and Yunus عليه السلام. In narrating these, Allah ﷻ impresses on man not to make the same mistakes that the people of these prophets made.

🔰At the end of the Surah Allah ﷻ declares, _"Say, O people! Certainly, the truth has come to you from your Rabb. So, whoever will be guided shall only receive guidance for himself (for his own benefit). Whoever will go astray shall only go astray to own detriment. I have not been commissioned over you. Follow what has been revealed to you and persevere until Allah passes decision. He is the Best of the deciders."_

End of the Eleventh Juz

#Ramadan_1444 #Quran #Summary #Juz_11

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