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The Twelfth Juz' covers Surah Hud Ayah 6 to Surah Yusuf Ayah 52.

Start of the Twelfth Juz'

Surah Hud follows Surah Yunus and contains the incidents of many past nations, describing the punishments that afflicted them because of their disbelief.

🔰Thereafter the Surah illustrates the scene of Qiyamah and the rewards and punishment to be received by various classes of people.

🔰Allah ﷻ starts the Surah by saying, "This is a Book, the verses of which have been consolidated and then expounded (coming from) The Wise, The Informed."

🔰Going further, Allah ﷻ says, " The responsibility for sustaining every creature on earth rests with Allah ﷻ." Allah ﷻ then describes how He created the universe and challenges man calling assistance of whoever to produce Surahs the like of those in the Qur’an if they feel that the Qur’an is an invention of Prophet. ﷺ. 

🔰Allah ﷻ states, "And to the Aad We sent their brother Hud (as a Nabi)." Listening to the message of Tawhid, the Aad exclaimed: "Who is more powerful than us?" and the people of Hud remained stubborn in disbelief.
They were eventually destroyed.

🔰The nation of Thamud followed them, refusing to accept the message of Salih عليه السلا. Allah’s punishment destroyed them too.

🔰The People of Lut عليه السلام are then mentioned, who were extremely lewd and immoral. As a result of their depravity, they also suffered the same fate, as their sister nations before them.

🔰Thereafter, Allah ﷻ mentions the preaching of Shuaib عليه السلام to the people of Madyan, and then Allah ﷻ mentions the Preaching of Moosa عليه السلام to Firoun and his people.

🔰After citing all these incidents, Allah ﷻ says, " Such is the grasp of your Rabb when He seized a town that is oppressive. Indeed, His grasp is painful and severe." [11:102]

🔰Addressing Prophet ﷺ Allah ﷻ says further, these narratives of the Ambiyâ were made so that your heart may be strengthened by them as the truth has come to you as advice and reminder for the believers.

🔰Allah ﷻ then concludes Surah Hud by saying, " To Allah belongs the unseen things of the heavens and the earth and unto Him alone will all matters return. So, worship Him and rely on Him only. Your Rabb is not unaware of what you do."

🔰Surah Yusuf follows Surah Hud. Prophet ﷺ was not aware of the story of Yusuf عليه السلام so the Jews decided to test his prophethood by, asking him about this story thinking that he would be unable to narrate the story. However, Allah ﷻ revealed Surah Yusuf to Prophet ﷺ thereby stunning the Jews with its detailed account.

🔰As a youth, Yusuf عليه السلام once saw in a dream that eleven stars, the sun and the moon were prostrating before him. The eleven stars denoted his eleven stepbrothers, while the sun and moon denoted his parents.

🔰When he informed his father Yaqub عليه السلام, about the dream, he advised him not to relate the dream to his brothers as they would be jealous and then become his sworn enemies.

🔰His brothers had always been jealous of Yusuf عليه السلام and eventually threw him in a well one day, making excuse to their father that a wolf had devoured him.

Some travelers took him out of the well and sold him as a slave to the chief minister of Egypt.

The minister's wife was infatuated with Prophet Yusuf's beauty and attempted to seduce him. On his refusal, she had him imprisoned.
While in prison he accurately interpreted the dreams of two fellow inmates. After one of them was released,later that man related the King's dream to Yusuf عليه السلام who interpreted it correctly and even provided a solution for the problem at hand.

As a result, Yusuf عليه السلام became a trusted advisor to the king and practically ruled Egypt.

End of the Twelfth Juz'

#Ramadan_1444 #Quran #Summary #Juz_12

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