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This summary of the Thirteenth Juz' covers Surah Yusuf Ayah 53 to Surah Ibrahim Ayah 52.

Beginning of the Thirteenth Juz'

When a severe drought struck Egypt and the surrounding areas, Egypt had no shortage of grains because Yusuf عليه السلام had already proposed to the king that they should keep grains in store from the previous year's harvest.

Therefore, people from the neighbouring areas began to flock to Egypt for food. Among those who arrived in Egypt were the brothers of Yusuf عليه السلام. Although they failed to recognize him, he recognized them and returned their money to them without their knowledge.

When they arrived home, and found that their money was returned to them.

On the next trip, they took their youngest brother along with them. As they started to return home, Yusuf عليه السلام detained his youngest brother in Egypt on some pretext. Yaqub عليه السلام turned blind because of excessive weeping over his lost child.

When the brothers returned to Egypt for the third time and Yusuf عليه السلام informed them about who he was, they looked down in embarrassment and regret. Yusuf عليه السلام told them, "The fact is that whoever adopts Taqwa and is patient, then Allah surely does not put to waste the reward of those who do good." [12:90]

When the brothers begged his forgiveness,Yusuf عليه السلام displayed exemplary character and put them as ease by asking Allah to shower his mercy on them and forgive them.

Upon the request of Yusuf عليه السلام Yaqub عليه السلام and his entire family arrived in Egypt. When the family was reunited, they all fell in prostration before Yusuf عليه السلام Thus, the dream he saw in his youth was realized.

🔰At the end of Surah Yusuf, Allah ﷻ states that, In their narratives there is certainly a lesson for people of intelligence.

🔰 Surah Ra'd follows Surah Yusuf. This Surah establishes the truth of the Qur’an, of Tawhid, Risalah and Qiyamah. It also provides details concerning resurrection.

🔰Allah ﷻ warns the Kuffar of severe punishment in the Akhirah, but also states that He overlooks many sins.

🔰Allah ﷻ makes it clear that He is Aware of everything that man does and even has knowledge of what changes take place in the womb of an expectant mother.
Allah ﷻ also emphasizes: "Undoubtedly Allah does not change the condition of a nation until they change the condition within themselves" [13:11]

🔰Furthermore, Allah ﷻ exhorts man to ward off sins by carrying out good acts because the bounties of the Akhirah for the righteous.

🔰Allah declares, "Due to their evil acts, some calamity will always afflict the disbelievers, or descend close to their homes until Allah’s promise (Qiyama) comes."

🔰Allah ﷻ also mentions that although the Kuffar are continuously plotting, the final decision in any matter always rests with Allah.

🔰 Surah Ibrahim follows Surah Ra'd. This Surah also begins with mention of the Qur’an where Allah ﷻ says that He revealed the book to remove people from darkness, taking them towards light, to his path.

🔰The Surah proceeds to establish the Prophethood of Prophet ﷺ after which belief in Tawhid is discussed.

🔰Emphasizes the concept of Tawhid Allah cites the incidents of Moosa عليه السلام and Ibrahim عليه السلام.
Also condemning kufr and shirk by means of examples.

The duas of Ibrahim teach us to include Allah’s praises in our duas so that they are more readily accepted.

🔰Again Allah ﷻ urges the people of Makkah to learn a lesson from the narratives of the previous nations.

🔰The Surah warns people of the terrible punishment of the Day of Qiyama for those who reject the truth and stubbornly oppose it.

🔰At the end Allah ﷻ states that The Qur'an is a message and warning for people of God's Oneness, a reminder for the intelligent.

End of the Thirteenth Juz'
#Quran #Summary #Juz_13

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