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🔷Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is *only a Messenger of Allah* like other messengers. His death *does not* mean *giving up the faith*. Believers must *persevere and be patient* in difficulties. *[3:144]*

🔷The Munafiqun [hypocrites] also *plotted against the Muslims* and made every effort to *cause discord* within the ranks of the Muslims. *[3:156, 3:167-168]*

🔷Allah ﷻ also mentions the people who *misinterpret the verses of the Qur’an to meet their own ends.* Such people are warned about a terrible punishment from Allah ﷻ.

🔷Allah ﷻ also forbids the Mu’minoon from taking the *Kuffar as their confidantes.*

🔷Allah ﷻ emphatically *prohibits false oaths and miserliness.* Allah also declares that a person's family and wealth are *tests for him* and should not be regarded as the criteria for salvation.

🔷The *rewards for the pious Mu’minoon* are secure with their Rabb in the Akhirah, where they will definitely receive it.

🔷Allah exhorts the Mu’minoon to remain steadfast on the battlefield when confronted by the enemy and not to falter in their tracks. Allah also praises the *gentle temperament and excellent character* of Prophet ﷺ towards the Muslims a factor that contributed greatly towards the spread of Islam. *[3:159]*

🔷Whenever you are stuck in a problem, facing challenges from your enemies then just have strong *Imaan, Yaqeen and Tawakkal in Allah ﷻ,* His might, His Help and say: *_HasbunAllahu wa ni’mal Wakeel._* *[3:173]*

🔷Protect yourself from the traps of this deceiving Dunya. Real success is for the one who is saved from the hellfire and made to enter Jannah in the Hereafter. *[3:185]*

Regarding Ayahs 190-194 Aisha رضي الله عنه narrated that when these ayaat were revealed Prophet ﷺ wept till *his beard became wet* and he said:

_‘Woe to he who recites it but does not contemplate it.’_

*Surah an-Nisa:* 

🔷Establishment of the *new Islamic social order* after removing the pre-Islamic Jahili system. The Just System will protect the rights of the weak and vulnerable members of society.

🔷The Surah was revealed after the Battle of Uhud, which *killed 70 of the Muslims.* This situation brought about the need to *address issues* such as inheritance left by those killed etc.

🔷The following guidance for Social Reformation is given:

1️⃣ Allah ﷻ makes it clear that a man is limited to *only four wives* at a time. Allah ﷻ also tells man that he should rather have *only one wife* if he fears that he would be unable to deal justly with them all.

2️⃣Allah ﷻ instructs that the Man must definitely pay the Mahr (dowry) to the woman, with a good heart.

3️⃣Allah strictly *prohibits unlawful earnings and extorting money and property from orphans*. *[4:10]*

4️⃣Allah explains in detail *the Laws of Inheritance and how the property should be divided among the relatives* *[4:11-4:14]*

5️⃣ To purge society of the filth of adultery and fornication, Allah ﷻ has ordained that when *four upright persons* testify to witnessing any of these acts, those found guilty *must be severely punished.* *[4:15]*

May Allaah (ﷻ) grant mercy upon us and guide us through the straight path.

آمين يا رب العالمين
#Quran #Summary #Juz4

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