Sunnah of Eid Al Fitr and Eid AL Adha | Authentic Hadith
It is from the Sunnah to eat some dates before going out to pray on ‘Eid Al-Fitr ―and from the Sunnah of ‘Eid Al-Adhā is not to eat until after the prayer.
Buraidah (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) said: “The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) would not leave home on the day of Fitr until he had eaten and he would not eat on the day of Adhā until he had prayed.” (Reported by Ahmad and others)
It is from the Sunnah to beautify oneself for the ‘Eid Prayer with the best garments one has due to the hadeeth of Jābir: “The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) would adorn himself with a garment that he would wear on the two ‘Eids and on the day of Jumu’ah.” (Reported by Ibn Khuzaymah in his Sahīh)
It is reported from Ibn ‘Umar (radiyallāhu ‘anhumā) that “he would wear his best garments on the two ‘Eids.” (Reported by Al-Bayhaqi with a good isnād)
Women must wear the correct hijāb over her house clothes according to the Sharī’ah―which is a khimār over which she wears a jilbāb. She does not apply make-up or wear perfume or high-heels in public.
Women must attend the ‘Eid prayer too. Al-Bukhāri (no. 971) reported from Umm ‘Atiyyah (radiyallāhu anhā): “We were commanded to come out on the day of ‘Eid and to bring out the virgin girls from their houses and menstruating women so that they might stand behind the men and say takbīr along with them and supplicate to Allah along with them and hope for the blessings of that day and for purification from sins.”
Menstruating women witness the prayer and enjoy the blessings of the occasion but do not pray.
She (radiyallāhu ‘anhā) also said: “Allah’s Messenger would order the virgins, the mature women, the secluded and the menstruating women to go out for the two ‘Eids. As for the menstruating women, they were to stay away from the musallā (i.e. from the prayer) and participate in the Muslims supplications.” One of them said: “O Messenger of Allah! What if she does not have a jilbāb?” He said: “Then let her sister lend her a jilbāb.” (Tirmidhi, no. 539)
TWO: It is the Sunnah to eat an odd number of dates before leaving home on the day of ‘Eid
A person should eat three, or five or a greater odd number due to the hadeeth of Anas (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) who said: “The Prophet would not leave out on the day of ‘Eid Al-Fitr until he had eaten some odd number of dates.” (Bukhāri).
THREE: The Takbīrs of ‘Eid
Abdullāh bin ‘Umar (radiyallāhu ‘anhumā) said: “Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would say the takbīr on the day of Fitr from the time he left his house until he reached the prayer area.” (A hasan hadeeth) And Nāfi’ said: “Ibn ‘Umar would leave the home on the day of Fitr and Adhā and would say the takbīr out aloud until he reached the place of prayer. Then he would make the takbīrs until the imām arrived. He would make takbīr with his takbīr.” (Reported by Ad-Dāruqutni and others with a sāhih chain of narration).
Note: Calling out the takbīrs in unison as a congregation as one voice is an innovation (bid’ah) ―it is not established from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) or his Companions. What is correct is that each person makes takbīr individually. (See also Majmū’ Al-Fatawā of Ibn Uthaimeen, 16/288)
FOUR: It is a Sunnah to walk to the ‘Eid prayer
‘Ali (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) said: “From the Sunnah is to leave to the ‘Eid prayer walking.” Reported by Tirmidhi, who said: This hadeeth is hasan and most of the people of knowledge hold that this hadeeth should be acted upon. They held it to be recommended to walk to the ‘Eid prayer and not ride unless there is a valid excuse.
FIVE: Take a different route home from the one you take to reach the the Musallā
Jābir (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) said: “The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would take different routes on the day of ‘Eid.” (Al-Bukhāri)
SIX: If ‘Eid falls on the same day as Jumu’ah, then the one who prayed ‘Eid is not obligated to attend Jumu’ah
Ibn ‘Abbās (radiyallāhu ‘anhumā) narrated from Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that he said: “The ‘Eids have come together on this day of yours, so whoever wishes not to offer Jumu’ah, the ‘Eid prayer is sufficient for him. But we shall offer the ‘Eid prayer, inshā’-Allāh.” (Abu Dawūd, 1073)
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