Important thread about understanding Allah
Guys, here's a really important message I have been meaning to pen down, but I was afraid people won't take the time to read it. Please do:
When religions understand God, they fall between 2 extremes:
1) Anthropomorphism: This means that they make God 'human-like'. This is human nature. We relate with things that are human like. That's why Micky Mouse has hands and feet, and all are cartoons are human-like!
The Greek and Hindu gods are pretty anthropomorphic. Additionally, Christianity went a step further when they claimed that Jesus (a human) is God.
Many people also think that God is like a man sitting in the sky.
2) Transcendence: This is the belief that God has no similarity to his creation, humans or otherwise. God is beyond time and space.
Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:
"There is nothing similar to him (42:11)"
This is a clear verse (Muhkam) through which we understand our Creator. Allah is beyond having a physical body and beyond being limited to a created space.
To connect with us, He uses words that we can relate with. However, this does not mean that these things are similar to us So when Allah speaks about His anger, it isn't like my anger. When I get angry, I lose control and it clouds my judgement. Allah is beyond such weakness.
When he speaks about Love, it isn't like my love. My love would make me impartial.
Similarly when the Qur'an speaks about Allah's 'yad' (normally translated as hand) or Allah's wajh (normally translated as face), we cannot and should not try to understand these
These are known as the Mutashabihat, and we believe in them but we don't go into them.
Verse 3:7 explains to us that we should not go into the Mutashabihat, and only those with crookedness into their hearts go into them.
It's the Maturidi Aqidah and of the Salaf to leave these things as is while understanding that Allah is beyond His creations like time and space.
Allah does not have a physical body and is beyond our understanding! The rules of the world around us don't apply to him!
Many Muslims, and Aetheists who attack religions (like Richard Dawkins) seem to believe that God is a man like figure in the sky. This is not our belief.
Malik bin Anas was asked about a Mutashabih aspect of Allah (the Istiwa):
"Istiwa is known. It's details are unknown. Believing in it is mandatory. Asking about [its details] is Bid'ah."
Understand Allah through his creations. But don't ponder over the being of Allah.
#Allah #Aqeedah #Salaf
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