The Rights Married Couples Owe Each Other
You should know, may Allāh watch over you, that married couple owe each other a number of rights.
The husband owes his wife living expenses. He mustn't overburden her with tasks too difficult for her to perform. He must shelter her in a house good enough for someone of her ilk. He must teach her what she needs to practise her faith. He must be possessive and protective of her in a way that is dictated by the Sharī`ah, give her his total protection and not suspect her or test her loyalty (or it could mean he shouldn't cheat her out of her rights). He must live with her on good terms according to current social norms (among Muslims) – "then either retain [her] on legally and socially acceptable terms or let [her] go graciously." [al-Baqarah 229]
He ﷺ said, "take my counsel regarding being lenient and gentle with your women." Also, He ﷺ was asked, "what rights does each one of us owe his wife?" He replied, "feed her as you feed yourself and clothe her as you clothe yourself. Don't strike her face and don't insult her looks or revile her. And don't abandon her except in bed."
[Imām Ahmad and Abu Dāwūd published it, and it is authentic.]
Some of the rights that a wife owes her husband are that she must obey him in legally acceptable matters. She must attend to him at home. She must not embark on a non-obligatory fast without his prior consent. She mustn't allow anyone into his house without his prior consent. She mustn't leave the house without his prior consent. She must be grateful to him for his gracious acts towards her, not show ingratitude. She must look after her house as well as adorn herself and get herself ready for him. She must also do the things that fill his life with pleasure and satisfaction. She must care for him in his faith, his wealth and his honour.
He ﷺ said, "any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her will enter the Garden of Paradise." [It was published by at-Tirmidhī and al-Ḥākim, and it is an authentic oral tradition.]
Shaykh Abdullāh ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥīm al-Bukhārī
#Nikah #Women #Spouse
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