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The 3 Keys to Happiness in Islam

What Does Islam Say About Happiness?

Reasons for happiness:

At-Tirmithi reported; that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever among you wakes up in the morning secured in his dwelling, healthy in his body, having his food for the day, then it is as if he has acquired the whole world (with all that it contains).”

Also, there is the hadeeth reported by Muslim from ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He is indeed successful who has accepted Islam, has been provided sufficiently for his needs, and has been made content by Allaah with what He has given him.”

Security: Feeling safe and secure in one's home and community is essential for happiness. 
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that whoever wakes up in the morning feeling secure in their dwelling, healthy in their body, and having their food for the day, then it is as if they have acquired the whole world.
Health: Good health is another essential ingredient for happiness. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that he was grateful to Allah for three things: health, sufficient provision, and contentment.

Contentment: Contentment is the ability to be happy with what one has. It is the opposite of greed and envy.
 The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the truly successful person is the one who has accepted Islam, has been provided sufficiently for their needs, and has been made content by Allah with what He has given them.

In addition to these three reasons, there are many other things that can contribute to happiness in Islam. These include:

Prayer: Prayer is a powerful way to connect with Allah and feel His presence. It can help to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote feelings of peace and well-being.

Fasting: Fasting during the month of Ramadan is a way to purify the soul and come closer to Allah. It can also help to develop self-discipline and control over one's desires.

Charity: Giving charity to those in need is a way to show gratitude to Allah and to help others. It can also bring a sense of happiness and satisfaction.
Spending time with family and friends: Strong social ties are important for happiness. Spending time with loved ones can help to reduce stress, boost mood, and provide a sense of belonging.

Helping others: Helping others is a way to make a difference in the world and to feel good about oneself. It can also bring a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Happiness is a state of mind that can be cultivated through our thoughts, actions, and relationships. 
By following the teachings of Islam, we can create a life that is filled with happiness and contentment.


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