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How Shaytan Seduces Muslim Women Into Abandoning the Hijab

The Dangers of Shaytan's Seduction

The Shaytān Seduces Slowly..

First, she begins to leave her home often,

Then she becomes bold and begins to interact with Non-Mahram men on a daily,

Then, she begins to wear bright coloured Jilbābs and Niqābs,

Then, her gloves are only an accessory for some occasions (she starts showing her hands),

Then, her Jilbāb slips back and she begins to reveal her forehead and eyebrows,

Then, she begins to style her outfits, matching her shoes/purses with the colour of her garments,

The plain eyes aren’t satisfying to her anymore, so now she uses cosmetics to enhance them,

Then, the Jilbāb disappears and now it's an Abāyah and a scarf,

Then, the Abāyah becomes flashy, adorned with laces and sequins,

Finally, the face is no longer hidden.

After this her style of dressing begins to resemble the women of the Kuffār, her interactions with Non-Mahram men become casual and even flirtatious, and leaving her home becomes a pastime for her to the point that she begins to loathe staying in. 

Is this the way of a Muslim woman? Has she forgotten that Allāh says:

وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَىٰ ۖ

“And stay (firmly) in your houses and not display yourself like the display of the Jāhiliyyah before…”

Your Hijāb is not a fashion statement, sisters, nor is it an accessory that you do up in a way that looks nice. It's meant to be a COVERING for your accessories and adornment, so do not contradict it!

The moment you begin to think of how this colour Jilbāb would match those shoes & bring out the colour of your eyes, or that this purse goes well with that style, then be aware that this is the whispering of the Shaytān as he seeks to seduce you to go down his misguided path.

Your Hijāb should be simple and unadorned, and you should not leave your home unless you have a necessity.

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