How to Be a Good Wife and Obey Your Husband in Islam
PARADISE IS HERS IF SHE IS TRUTHFULIt is upon the wife to treat her husband kindly & obey him in what he commands her as long as it is not disobedience. She should not leave his home unless he is pleased with it. Paradise is hers if she is truthful towards him and obeys him.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
"Any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her will enter Paradise."
Collected by at-Tirmidhī and Ibn Mājah.
📖 Book: Clarifying Common Mistakes Widespread Among The Muslims
By Shaykh Sālih ash-Shaykh
Translated by Rasheed Barbee
It is a very important hadith that emphasizes the importance of a wife's obedience to her husband. However, it is important to note that the hadith does not mean that a wife must obey her husband blindly. She is still entitled to her own opinion and should not be forced to do anything that she is uncomfortable with. The hadith simply means that a wife should strive to be kind and respectful to her husband, and to obey him in matters that are not against her religion or her own conscience.
If a wife is able to do this, she will be rewarded greatly by Allah.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that a woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her will enter Paradise. This is a great blessing, and it is something that all wives should strive for.
Of course, there are also times when a husband may not be pleased with his wife. This may be due to a number of factors, such as the wife's behavior or the husband's own personal issues. In these cases, it is important for the wife to try to understand her husband's perspective and to work with him to resolve the issue. She should not simply give up and assume that she will never be able to please him.
Ultimately, the relationship between a husband and wife is a partnership. Both partners have responsibilities, and both partners should strive to make the relationship work. If a wife is able to be kind, respectful, and obedient to her husband, she will be well on her way to entering Paradise.
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