Islamic knowledge in the light of Quran and Sunnah.Daily Hadith. Islamic question answer, Quran Tafseer, Dua, Ramadan reminders, Salah times, Hajj and Zakat Post. Frequently asked Islamic question answer, five pillars of islam and Fatawa from Manhaz Us Salaf.

Dua for oppressed Muslims in in Sham Libya Morocco Afghanistan and elsewhere..

May Allah protect the Muslims in Sham Libya Morocco Afghanistan and elsewhere.. 

May Allah enable them to establish his divine laws.. 

May Allah protect our dear brothers and sisters who are encircled everywhere and grant them steadfastness..

May Allah guide the youth and grant them wisdom and knowledge rather than blind following and following both extremes

May Allah free those behind bars 

Oh Allah almighty we need you and we are your humble slaves

Upon the authority of *Ubaadah ibn Saamit* who said:

“I heard the prophet – Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam say:

*“Whoever seeks forgiveness for the male and female believers, Allah writes for him a good deed per male and female believer!”*

[Collected by At Tabaraani in musnadush Shaamiyeen 3/234 hadeeth no# 2155 and declared Hasan by sheikh Al Albaani in Saheeh al jaami’ 6026]

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