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Sometimes Allāh will come between you and a thing you desire

Sometimes Allāh will come between you and a thing you desire, but it is out of His Wisdom, and a protective preservation for you.

'Abdullāh bin Mas'ūd said: 

“A servant intends a business venture or a position of leadership, hoping that it will be facilitated for him. Then Allāh will look at him and say to the angels, “Avert him from it, for verily if I were to facilitate it for him, it would cause him to enter the hell-fire.” 

So Allāh averted him from it, and he would complain in a state agitation, “So-and-so has surpassed me, so-and-so has outsmarted me!” But it is only the favour of Allāh, Exalted and Magnificent.”

[Majmū' Rasāil Ibn Rajab 3/108]

#Desire #Allah #Trials

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