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Everyone whose words you listen to specifically from the people of your time

Everyone whose words you listen to specifically from the people of your time

Imām al-Barbahārī رحمه الله stated:

So look to – may Allāh have mercy upon you – everyone whose words you listen to specifically from the people of your time. 

Do not hasten and do not believe in anything until you ask and look; did anyone from the Companions of the Prophet (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) speak about this, or anyone from the scholars (of the Salaf)? Then if you find a narration regarding it from them, then hold on to it and do not deviate from it for anything, and do not chose anything over it, so you (if you do that) would fall in the fire.‛

كل من سمعت كلامه من أهل زمانك خاصة فلا تعجلن، ولا تدخلن في شيء منه حتى تسأل وتنظر، هل تكلم فيه أحد من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عيه وسلم، ورضي الله عنهم، أو أحد من العلماء ؟ فإن أصبت فيه أثر عنهم فتمسك به، ولا تجاوزه لشيء، ولا تختر عليه فتسقط في النار.

شرح السنة للبربهاري


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