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Powerful reminder for istighfaar | seeking forgivensess

Powerful reminder for istighfaar | seeking forgivensess

Reaity of this world

We all fall down & slip up. We are human none of us are free from sin. Allah is Al Ghaffar - the one who constantly forgives. Don't let shaytan convince you that you're not worthy of forgiveness.

You will be knocked down by your Nafs & slip up at one point. The reaction to that is to make istighfaar and stand back up. Keep turning back to Allah, even if you sin 1000 times keep turning back.

The second you stop you open a door for shaytan to snatch you and begin to slowly pull you away from Allah. May Allāh ﷻ allow us to fear him.

You are in a constant battle with your nafs every day. The battle will never end until you die, this dunya is full of things which the Nafs wants.

This battle you can keep fighting and refuse toback down or you can surrender and be enslavedby your Nafs. As Allah says in his book

أفرعيت من اتخذ إلهه هونه

 Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire?

#sins #istigfaar #Repent


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