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Ans: Yes, injections are allowed except injections that contains nourishment.

It is permissible for a fasting person to take medicine by injection, whether intramuscular (injected through the muscle) or intravenous (injected through the veins), during the day in Ramadān. However, it is not permissible for the fasting person to be given an injection for nourishment purposes during the day in Ramadān.

It says in Fatāwa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah li’l-Ifta’ (10/252): "It is permissible to receive medicine by injection into a muscle or vein, for one who is fasting, during the day in Ramadān. But it is not permissible for one who is fasting to receive an injection of nutrients during the day in Ramadān, because that comes under the same ruling as consuming food and drink, so using such injections is regarded as a trick to break the fast in Ramadān. If it is possible to give the intramuscular or intravenous injection during the night, that is better."
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymīn was asked about the ruling regarding the effect of medical injections on the fast during the daytime of Ramadān and he said:

"Medical injections are of two types. The purpose of one of them is nourishment and to sustain the body without the need of eating and drinking, because it has the same meaning. Therefore, this type breaks the fast, because of the texts of the Islamic law, if the meaning which they contain is present in any form, then this form is given the ruling of that text.

In reference to the second type, it is the injection that does not nourish. This means that it is not a substitute for eating and drinking. This type does not break the fast because the text does not relate to it in wording or meaning. For it is not food or drink, nor does it have the meaning of food or drink. The basic principle is that the fast is correct until it is confirmed that something corrupts it according to the evidence of the Islamic law."

{Fatāwa Islāmiyah (3/268)}

ALLĀH knows best.

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