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Is it obligatory to break the fast with an odd number of dates? | Ramadan Question Answer

Is it obligatory to break the fast with an odd number of dates? 

Ramadan question answer related to fasting

Sheikh 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah said:

It is not obligatory, in fact, it is not even sunnah for one to break their fast with an odd number (of dates); be it 3, 5, 7, 9, etc., with the exception of 'Eidul Fitr; for it is established that the Prophet ﷺ would not go out in the morning for ('Eid) Salah on Eidul Fitr unless he ate some dates; an odd number of them. Aside from this, the Prophet ﷺ never purposely ate an odd number of dates.



Breaking the fast with dates is a proven Sunnah, but doing so with an odd number is not!


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