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Is Ramadan month of laziness and unproductivity | Battle and Conquest in Ramadan

Is Ramadan month of laziness and unproductivity | Battle and Conquest in Ramadan

Is Ramadan month of laziness and unproductivity | Battle and Conquest in Ramadan | Islamic History

It's very strange to talk about Ramadan as if it is a month of laziness and unproductivity!

In the following, we will go with you over the biggest battles and conquests which took place in the month of Ramadan, and after that, you will know why the devils of mankind seek to turn Ramadan into a month of TV shows and staying up late into the night being busy with nonsense. For indeed, this month has tired the enemies of Islam a lot.

1. The Battle of Badr [Ramadan, 2 AH (after hijrah]: 

The great battle of criterion [i.e., decisive encounter], the 1st battle for Islam.

2. The Conquest of Mecca [Ramadan, 8 AH].

3. The Battle of Buwaib [Ramadan, 13 AH]: The Muslims under the leadership of Al-Muthanna ibn Haritha defeated the Persians (Sassanid Empire). 

4. The Battle of al-Qadisiyyah [Ramadan, 15 AH]: The Muslims under the leadership of Sa`d ibn Abī Waqqās became victorious over the Persians. (Sassanid Empire). 

5. The Battle of Al-Nuba [Ramadan, 31 AH]: The Muslims under the leadership of Abdullah ibn Abi Sarh defeated the Copts after besieging 'Dongola', the capital of the Nubians in Southern Egypt.

6. The conquest of Rhodes [Ramadan, 53 AH]: Conquered by the Muslims under the leadership of Junada ibn Abi Umayya. Rhodes is an island in the Mediterranean Sea from which the Romans used to attack the Muslim ships and coastal cities.

7. The Conquest of Al-Andalus (The Iberian peninsula) [Ramadan, 92 AH]: The Muslim Berber leader Tariq ibn Ziyad defeated the Visigothic armies in the Iberian peninsula (present-day Spain and Portugal).

8. The Conquest of the region that is now India and Pakistan region [Ramadan 94, AH]: Conquered by the leader Muhammad bin Qasim al-Thaqafi.

9. The Conquest of Amorium, one of the most fortified cities of the Byzantine Empire [Ramadan, 223 AH]: Conquered by the Caliph al-Mu'tasim after the Roman emperor attacked the Muslim lands, cut off the noses and ears of the Muslim captives, gouged their eyes out, and took many Muslim women as captives, so Al-Mu'tasim struck them in the very heart of their empire and defeated them.

10. The Conquest of Syracuse  [Ramadan, 264 AH]: Conquered by Ja'far ibn Muhammad after a siege that lasted for 9 months. It's the biggest city in Sicily (in the Mediterranean Sea) and was under Roman rule.

11. The Battle of Harim [Ramadan, 559 AH]: The Muslims led by Nur al-Din Zangi defeated a combined army from the County of Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch, the Byzantine Empire, and Armenia, and he liberated the Harim region in rural Idlib currently.

12. The Battle of Ain Jalut [Ramadan, 658 AH]: The Muslims led by the sultan Saif ad-Din Qutuz became victorious over the Tatar (Mongols) who had killed millions in the Muslim lands.

13. The Conquest of Armenia [Ramadan, 673 AH]: Conquered by the Muslims under the leadership of al-Ẓāhir Rukn al-Dīn Baybars.

14. The Battle of Marj al-Saffar [Ramadn, 702 AH]: The Muslims led by an-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun along with Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn-Taymiyyah defeated the Tatar (Mongols) in Ghabaghib near Damascus.


15. The Conquest of Bosnia and Herzegovina [Ramadan, 791 AH]: The Muslims led by the Ottoman Sultan Murad I defeated a crusader coalition of Serbs, Bulgars, Poles, Hungarians, and Albanians.

16. The Conquest of Cyprus [Ramadan, 829 AH]: Cyprus was previously conquered during the time of Mu'awiya (may Allah be pleased with him), however, it fell later on. The crusaders took Cyprus as a base from which they launched their campaigns against the Muslim world. So The Mamluk Sultan Al-Ashraf Bārsbay conquered it.

As for the Ramadan 1973 AC (1392 AH) war; both the Egyptian and the Syrian army had the upper hand over the Zionist army at the beginning, but both armies were not established upon that which the Muslim armies throughout history were established on, and it was what it was.

16 Great battles... It's the month of victories O' Muslims, not the month of laziness, nor Music and obscenity.


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