Al-Hasan Al-Basri رحمه الله described how hard the Salaf used to strive in order to hide their deeds.
He said: "A man would memorise the entire Qur'aan while the person next to him did not know
A man would become very knowledgeable & he would not let people realise that;
A man would pray long hours at night in his house while having guests & they would never feel that.
I have seen people who would
not leave any chance of concealing any deed they can hide from people.
The Muslims used to exert great efforts in supplication, but no one would hear their voice; they used to whisper to their Lord in compliance with the Saying of Allah:
"Call upon your Lord in humility and secretly." (Qur'an 7:55)
📖 Ibn Al-Mubarak | Az-Zuhd(pg45-46).
#IslamicReminder #Dawah #Islamicknowledge
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