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How to Free Your Heart from Enslavement

Free Your Heart from Enslavement

  • Break Free from the Chains of Heart Enslavement
  • Find True Freedom in Your Heart
  • Purify Your Heart and Find Peace
  • Find Heart Satisfaction in Allah
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If a man’s heart is attached to a woman, even if she is permissible for him, he will remain captive to her and she will be able to control him as she wishes. 
Outwardly he will appear to be her master because he is her husband, but in reality he is her captive and slave, especially if she realises his need for her and his love for her, and that he cannot find any alternative to her. 
In that case she will have control over him like an unjust, domineering master over his weak slave who cannot free himself from him, or even worse! Because captivity of the heart is worse than physical captivity and enslavement of the heart is worse than enslavement of the body. 

The one whose body is enslaved will not care if his heart is free and at peace; rather he may be able to find away to freedom. 
But if the heart that is in control of the body is that is enslaved and infatuated with something other than Allah, then this is true humiliation, the worst kind of captivity and enslavement to that which enslaved the heart. … 
True freedom is freedom of the heart and true enslavement is enslavement of the heart, just as true richness is richness of the soul. 
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Richness is not having a great deal of accumulated wealth; rather richness is richness of the soul.” This applies if what has captured his heart is something permissible; as for the one whose heart is enslaved by something haraam, such as a woman or boy, this is pain and suffering from which there is no way out, and these are the people whose suffering will be the worst and their reward will be the least, for if a person’s heart is devoted to something and remains attached and enslaved to it, then this will cause him all kinds of evil and corruption that cannot be enumerated except by the Lord of mankind, even if he manages to avoid committing the greater act of immorality.

šŸ“š [Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa, 10/185-186]

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