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The Four Keys to Success in Islam

The Virtues of Sabr, Shukr, Taqwa, and Tawakkul

In this life and the Hereafter.

1. SABR: patience, steadfastness, endurance and accepting what ALLAH has destined for you. This will make you strong to face more hardship and will give you rewards in this life by lifting your troubles and with many goodness in the next life.

2. SHUKR: gratefulness, thankful to ALLAH for everything, feeling content with what ALLAH has given you. This will make you feel rich even if you don't have a thing and it will get you rewarded here by increasing your blessings here and in the hereafter.

3. TAQWA: piousness, righteousness, good character, doing what is prescribed and keeping away from forbidden deeds. This will make you loved by ALLAH His angels and mankind and you will be rewarded in this life by always having a way out in this life and with Jannah.

4. TAWAKKUL: putting your total trust in ALLAH, leaving your affairs in His hands, realizing that everything.

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