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Ruling on football matches that are played for money and similar prizes

Ruling on Football matches that are played for money and similar prizes are haraam, because that is gambling.

It is not permissible to accept a prize except in things that sharee‘ah has deemed permissible, namely racing horses and camels, and competing in archery. 

Based on that, going to matches is haraam and so is watching them [on TV], for the one who knows that they are being played for a prize, because going to them implies approval of them. 

But if the match is not for a prize and does not distract one from what Allah has enjoined, such as prayer and the like, and it does not involve anything that is contrary to sharee‘ah, such as uncovering ‘awrahs, mixing of men and women or musical instruments, there is nothing wrong with that or with watching it. End quote. 

[Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas]

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 15/238

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