Embracing Allah's Plan: True Beauty and Love in Islamic Marriages
Mostly after Nikah's or Waleemas, folk comment on the married couple.-They don't match at all.
-Groom is a little too short.
-Bride is too dark for the groom.
-The bride looks too old for him.
Subhan'Allah, Who are we to judge the plans and creations of Allah SWT? Who are we insulting?
-Who said these comments matter in the first place?
Just imagine if the couple happen to hear these words, they might even be embarassed to stand next to their partner.
Remember, It's love in the hearts that matter. They were brought together for a reason, not based on their looks.
If we really do need to make a comment, make a dua that Allah SWT should beautify each other for them, so they may always be in love, and that they be each others path to Jannah.
May Allah SWT soften our hearts to always think of good Ameen.
#Nikah #Bride #Groom
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